Nurturing Growth and Healing: A Look into My Therapeutic Approaches for Children and Adolescents


8/8/20233 min read

Klaudia Mody Counselling logo and title: Nurturing Growth and Healing: A look into my therapeutic
Klaudia Mody Counselling logo and title: Nurturing Growth and Healing: A look into my therapeutic

Hello, dear parents! In the previous blog post: How to choose the right counsellor for your child I briefly introduced commonly used methods in working with children and adolescents. Today I would like to share with you and explain the three powerful therapeutic approaches I employ in my sessions: play therapy, person-centered therapy, and art therapy. These techniques form the foundation of my work, allowing me to connect deeply with young minds and foster their emotional growth and healing.

1. Play Therapy: Where Healing Takes the Form of Play

Step into my therapy room, and you'll find a world where play is the language of healing. Children and adolescents often struggle to express their emotions and thoughts through words alone. This is where play therapy comes in. By engaging in playful activities, games, and imaginative scenarios, I create a safe space where your child can communicate and explore their feelings without the pressure of formal conversation.

Advantages: Play therapy helps children externalize their struggles, build emotional regulation skills, and develop problem-solving abilities. Through play, they can safely process trauma, cope with anxiety, and enhance their self-esteem.

In action: I might use puppets to encourage your child to project their feelings onto these characters, giving them a sense of control and a way to express their emotions. Board games can help them learn about cooperation, patience, and decision-making.

a play set of figures in a play box
a play set of figures in a play box

2. Person-Centered Therapy: Empathy and Unconditional Positive Regard

Picture a space where your child is truly heard and understood, a space where their feelings are valid and accepted. Person-centered therapy focuses on building a strong therapeutic relationship based on empathy and unconditional positive regard. I strive to create an environment where your child feels safe to open up about their thoughts and emotions.

Advantages: This approach cultivates self-awareness, self-acceptance, and emotional resilience. Your child learns to trust their feelings, leading to improved self-esteem and the ability to navigate challenging situations more effectively.

In action: I listen actively and attentively to your child's stories, validating their emotions without judgment. By showing genuine interest, I help them feel valued and understood, allowing them to explore their inner world at their own pace.

a group of four cards with smiley faces representing feelings
a group of four cards with smiley faces representing feelings

3. CBT: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Challenging Unhelpful Thoughts

CBT is a powerful tool to help children and adolescents manage anxiety. CBT focuses on identifying and challenging negative thought patterns that contribute to anxiety, while also teaching practical strategies to cope with these feelings.

Advantages: CBT equips your child with valuable skills to understand and manage their anxiety. By identifying triggers and learning how to reframe their thoughts, they can regain a sense of control over their emotions and responses.

In action: Together, we work on recognizing anxious thoughts and replacing them with more balanced perspectives. We practice relaxation techniques and develop a toolbox of coping strategies to navigate anxious moments.

3. Art Therapy: Painting Emotions, Sculpting Healing

In the realm of art therapy, your child's emotions take the form of colours, shapes, and textures. Many children struggle to articulate their feelings verbally, and art therapy offers them a powerful alternative. Through drawing, painting, or sculpting, your child can externalize their emotions and explore their inner landscape.

Advantages: Art therapy encourages self-expression, promotes emotional regulation, and aids in processing traumatic experiences. The creative process itself is therapeutic, allowing your child to gain insights into their feelings and thoughts.

In action: I provide a variety of art materials, letting your child choose what resonates with them. This process isn't about creating a masterpiece; it's about channeling their emotions onto the canvas or into the sculpture.

child sticking colourful papers to a shape of a rainbow
child sticking colourful papers to a shape of a rainbow

Using play therapy, person-centered therapy, CBT and art therapy, I create a holistic approach to help your child or adolescent overcome challenges and embrace their emotional journey. Each technique has its unique strengths, but together, they form a comprehensive toolkit that allows me to connect deeply with your child, foster their growth, and guide them towards healing.

Thank you for entrusting me with the privilege of working with your child on their path to emotional well-being.